Royal Coat Inc

John Gilbert
1301 Country Club Rd
New Bern, NC 28562
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Royal Coat Decorative Concrete is quickly becoming a leader in the decorative concrete industry. With ten locations currently serving North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, Royal Coat is one of the largest decorative concrete installers in the southeast. With over 1 million square feet installed, Royal Coat is the professional's choice for decorative concrete and concrete resurfacing.

Just Say “No” to Naked Concrete

  • Spray Textures
  • Concrete Overlay
  • “Knockdown” Texture
  • Stardust Flooring System
  • Acid/Chemical Stain
  • Royal Flake Flooring System
  • Custom Artwork/Logos

If You Can Imagine It, Royal Concrete Can Do It.

Call today for a Free Estimate!