Find articles here that profile leaders in the concrete industry. Learn more about each leader and their company and get up to date on the most current concrete trends. Secrets to success, such as decorative concrete training, marketing in the concrete industry, and other information, can also be found here.

Popular Industry Leaders:

Buddy Rhodes
Buddy Rhodes Concrete Products

Clay to Concrete

For the man considered to be the father of the concrete countertop, pottery was an open window into a new, creative world...that lead him to concrete. It all started when Rhodes was a student at Alfred University in New York, a school that boasts such noted alums as actor Robert Klein, travel writer Peter Jenkins and spy novelist Robert Littell. (Read More)

Fu-Tung Cheng
Cheng Design

Mother Nature Inspires

For Fu-Tung Cheng, Mother Nature, "the greatest designer," inspires his innovative design work in kitchens, bathrooms and custom homes. For Fu-Tung Cheng - whose Berkeley, California-based firm Cheng Design is known internationally for its innovative design work in kitchens, bathrooms and custom homes - the use of concrete makes sense. (Read More)

Tom Ralston
Tom Ralston Concrete

Honesty is His Policy

Ralston has been able to tackle the tough obstacles...setting his company up solid by incorporating good marketing, good people and good systems. It's fairly common for a business to be affected by the last few years' economy, but pretty rare for a business owner to be honest about the situation. But as Tom Ralston, president of Tom Ralston Concrete in Santa Cruz, Calif., has learned, by being honest he's been able to tackle the tough obstacles, coming out the other side stronger as both a manager/business owner and an individual. (Read More)

Frank Lewis
The Coatings Group

A Passion for Education

If you get Lewis, a member of the Decorative Concrete Council (DCC), started talking about education, it's clear that's where his passion lies. Frank Lewis, one of six partners in The Coatings Group, the parent company of Sundek ®, likes to educate, and part of that education involves questioning the use of time. (Read More)