The Concrete Network

Tropical Decorative Concrete Pictures

Concrete Mystique Engraving
Antioch, TN

Winner of a 2012 ASCC Decorative Concrete Council Award - First Place Certificate in Concrete Artistry, Under 5000 SF.
This project consisted of 800 sq. ft. of new concrete poured to extend a 150 sq. ft. existing pad into a beautiful outdoor area. The new section included building 2 sitting walls that followed the curve of the outside edge of the patio. A vine-like design flows throughout the space and wraps around the sitting walls. A black acid stain heavily diluted was used as the base color with a full strength black acid stain on the vines and a slightly diluted black on the leaves. A dark walnut acid stain creates the illusion of shadows underneath the vines and leaves. The patio was sealed with a UV stable solvent-based sealer.

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