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For this 500-square-foot concrete patio, stamped in an ashlar slate pattern, Tony Leen of Tristate Bomanite used H&C Dry-Shake Color Hardener in Fawn, H&C Dry-Shake Color Release in Coffee Bean, and two custom colors of H&C stains. “The homeowner wanted colors that would complement the house and fit right in,” he says.

The secret to giving stamped concrete the realistic, variegated color tones of natural stone is to use the perfect combination of color hardener and release agent. The best results are achieved when you enhance the base color with just the right accent shade. With H&C Concrete’s new line of dry-shake color hardener and release agent, the color coordination process is foolproof. Both the hardener and release come in 10 harmonizing earth-tone shades perfect for layering, allowing you to achieve a wide range of color effects.

In addition to coloring the concrete, H&C Dry-Shake Hardener improves resistance to abrasion and wear.

“With stamped concrete, many colors can be introduced to separate stones, which makes it the perfect choice over pavers or natural stone because you are so limited colorwise,” says Tony Leen of Tristate Bomanite, Cincinnati, Ohio, who uses the H&C product line for many different applications because of the broad color selection. “Their color is right every time,” he says.

Another view of the patio.

H&C Dry-Shake Color Hardener is a blend of select aggregates, cements, plasticizers and synthetic oxide pigments designed to improve the strength and density of stamped concrete while adding rich, intense color. H&C Dry-Shake Color Release is used with the hardener to provide easy release of the stamping tools from fresh concrete while providing a secondary accent color with its integrated pigments. The colors can be mixed and layered to achieve endless color effects. Both products come in 5 gallon pails. One pail of hardener will cover approximately 100 square feet, while a pail of release will cover 1,000 square feet when used as an accent shade.

Other products for stamped concrete in the H&C line include a stampable overlay, a liquid release, semi-transparent stains, and a decorative concrete sealer. For more information, visit

Related resources Concrete Color Hardener: Tips for Buying and Using
Options for Coloring Stamped Concrete
Video: Tips for Applying Color Hardeners

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