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Staining Integrally Colored Concrete
- Question:
Can I acid stain concrete that already has integral pigment in it? We had our floor and shower just done in red-oxide tinted concrete and it ended up being pink! I want to change the color by applying an acid stain.
- Answer:
The short answer is, yes. Acid stain will work on any concrete, colored or gray. The big difference will be the final color. With plain gray concrete, you can more accurately predict what the final color will be. With colored concrete, the final outcome will vary and the only way to see what color you’ll get is to apply the stain to a test section. Find a small inconspicuous place, apply the stain, let it react, clean it, and see what the color looks like.
In regard to your particular situation, you may want to consider using a solid-color stain or water-based tint instead of an acid stain. These stain types are more opaque and do not react with the concrete. You can use a red stain or tint and change that pink concrete back to the red you originally desired. These tints are also easy to apply, and with the right sealer, will last the lifetime of the floor. Keep in mind that in a shower, you’ll need to use a sealer that holds up to moisture. Also be aware that most sealers get very slippery when wet, so consider using a grit additive in the sealer to make the floor slip resistant.
Learn more about how to buy concrete stains.
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