- Outdoor Living Space Ideas
- Top trends in outdoor concrete design
- Outdoor room checklist (PDF)
- Fire Pit or Fireplace?
- Ways to Enhance Outdoor Rooms
- Outdoor fireplaces
- Fire pits
- Concrete fire bowls and tables
- Outdoor kitchens and countertops
- Seat walls
- Outdoor concrete furniture
- Concrete planters
- Backyard Landscaping with Concrete
- Concrete patios
- Concrete curbing
- Stairs and steps
- Concrete walkways
- Concrete garden bridges
- Water features
- Architectural accents
- Concrete statuary
- Backyard Landscaping: Get more ideas from LandscapingNetwork.com
- Backyard Recreation Options
- Concrete pool decks: Design and layout tips
- Concrete tennis courts: Planning and construction
- Other Resources
- Outdoor Decorative Floors
- Free Outdoor Living Catalog
Outdoor Living Design Ideas
Behind-the-Scenes Info and Photos of Outrageous Concrete CreationsDecorative concrete contractors around the country have sent us awesome pictures and stories about unique jobs they've been doing. Read about them here to get ideas for your decorative concrete project. Find out how the projects were designed and created, what techniques and products were used, and any special challenges that were overcome during construction.